How Ranking on Google Got Easy Again
Since most of the followers of SellBeatsNow enjoy finding great information on how to make more money selling beats online, I expect this article will come in handy for many. If you haven’t already found yourself wondering how to rank highly on Google, then you may be behind the curve so let me explain things. Google is the single greatest traffic source on the face of the planet that is based purely on an extraordinarily complicated algorithm created by mastermind geniuses.
The fact is that Google will always be one of the greatest sources of traffic (ever) as long as it exists because roughly HALF of all traffic on the internet is generated on search engines. Think about it, what websites do you even visit on a daily basis? My guess is they’re all search engines. Google (being the biggest, baddest search engine of all), YouTube, Bing, they’re all search engines with the intent of giving the best possible response to each query.
Google used to be easy to conquer and hell, I was on top of the search engines for all my keywords easily. In fact this very website was #1 for every single keyword that I had targeted. But SEO became much more difficult and much more based on real, powerful links. Instead of blasting thousands of spam links to your website (like before), now you have to work hard to get really good, solid, related links without spun content. I know it sounds crazy, but these days you’re better off building 50 really powerful links to your website all on high PR related niche websites (such as guest blogs, etc) than blasting thousands of links like you could in the past.
What’s funny is, a lot of people are still using the old, ineffective and even dangerous methods to try to rank their website and in fact are doing more damage than good. If you are building bad backlinks to your website then you are definitely going to be hurting your overall performance in search engine rankings.
One resource among many which can help you quickly and easily is They have a really cool free lookup you can use to determine how many bad or “toxic” links your website has. I paid for their service and felt that it was money well spent as I only needed to be using them for a month. But realistically even the free tool can give you a quick glimpse to see if negative SEO is affecting your rankings.

Ranking on Google these days requires the best possible back links and also the deletion of old links. Though, also, disavowing bad links is another easy way to skyrocket through the ranks of Google. Personally I not only spent my time deleting bad links but I also disavowed the links I couldn’t delete. Now my website has a very clean link profile, and every time I check for my quick analysis, I find that less and less links show up. They update their numbers every few weeks (possibly once per month) and so while the numbers don’t change all the time it can serve to be a quick look at how your link profile is doing this month.
At this point I’ve manually deleted hundreds of links, had multiple link deletion campaigns run and more. But the good news is this… I’ve been able to rank higher, easier, and that’s been a blast. While I haven’t reclaimed my #1 spot (yet), I’ve been doing good, solid, organic SEO for my website and while it has remained much harder to do, it’s actually easier to rank in my opinion. It seems that there is just less competing websites who are actually trying to rank higher.
Most of the competition seems to stay pretty still with a couple exceptions. This is because basically, if you think about it, SEO is harder than it has ever been before, so that means far less people are link building to their website or trying to rank higher in Google. So while the work is much harder, the actual ability to rank is much more real. You can rise in the charts as fast as you could back in the day, and my stats currently leave me very close to breaking top 10 for all my keywords (the ones I haven’t already broken top 10 for).
If you want to learn some ideas on how to market yourself so you are okay in the eyes of Google but still making serious improvement every month in your website’s rankings, then please check out the awesome course we have released below, Viral Google Domination, or click the link in this sentence to learn more.
Finding the Right Members to Work With
Today I want to talk about finding the right members to work with for your beat selling company. As a leader in teaching others how to sell beats online I couldn’t think of a better blog post for the day. Finding the right members to work with is top priority if you expect to be running a fully functional business by the end of the dreaded five years (when 80% of businesses fail within the first five years).
Choosing the right people to work with has much less to do with their actual skill than you’d think. I’ve worked with hundreds of producers over the years and one solid thing I’ve learned is that there is no such thing as a functioning business if some of the people on board are non functioning people. While somebody may have skills, if they don’t know how to handle an exclusive sale (for instance) when the time comes, then you’re automatically going to have trouble.
I remember one specific situation where this foolish wonder of a man opted to join my team and I chose to let him on board. Now, keep in mind this was a long time ago when I still accepted new members once in a while to “give them a chance”, usually being a bad decision which is why I don’t work with producers at this point except for those on my crew currently. Anyway, an exclusive or semi-exclusive sale comes along and he is supposed to deliver track-outs, which are the stem files of your song.
Basically, you need to bounce down each individual instrument to a new track, so the kick would be one file, the melody would be another file, the snare would be another file, etc. Until you have a full compiled folder of all the right files in place, which is then delivered to the customer. Anyway, literally weeks passed before this guy sent me anything, after the sale was already made and money already spent by the customer.
Keep in mind we have a 48 hour delivery promise with a maximum of 72 hours. We try to warn our customers that sometimes it can take longer but, in general, we promise a 72 hour delivery window. So after weeks had passed, this foolish producer sends me the wrong files. Literally made this customer and myself wait weeks before sending the wrong files (he did not understand what track-outs/stems were). After sending them, he said that’s all he had and he didn’t have the files required to actually land the sale.
Let my mistakes be in your favor. Learn from them and make sure you’re using highly reliable people for your business, or your business is the one that suffers. Buy a course from our website and be sure to support us. If you want web design or 1 on 1 consultation please contact us right away.
MyFlashStore Now Allows Split Commissions- But Beware
Today I wanted to talk about an awesome feature that MyFlashStore has added for all us beat sellers out there. They allow you to now split commissions with other beat sellers which is awesome. It’s an easy way to sell beats and make more money online by getting other producers involved with your business and allowing for others to help you promote your business.
This is huge and absolutely a great feature. In fact if it weren’t for third party websites and their strict rules, I wouldn’t even have to warn you about this. The clean and simple fact is that you are more in control of your beats, your sales and your business with this feature. It’s well worth switching to MyFlashStore if you’re not already using them just for this awesome feature since so many people work with multiple producers.
But I must give you some warning to beware of the consequences of using this service in conjunction with other websites. The main website that you should be warned about is actually none other than Soundclick. Soundclick has a strict terms of service and has been known to completely wipe out high selling producers from their website by banning them for life for breaking their rules.
One of Soundclick’s most concerning rules happens to be that you cannot have more than one producer per artist profile on Soundclick. Now this obviously isn’t something that makes sense since most teams have multiple producers on board, which is fine, you just can’t let Soundclick know. If you are forced by MyFlashStore or other services to actually put the name of the producer in the title of each beat, for instance, then Soundclick will be able to find you and delete you from their website forever.
So you can go ahead and use this awesome feature, just don’t make it obvious that you’re using other producers on the team. Make sure not to put their names in the title, and keep track of who’s beat is who. That way you don’t have to worry about Soundclick deleting you from their website forever. This is very important to understand as I wouldn’t want anybody losing their profile just for using a new MyFlashStore feature which actually is super awesome in the first place.
So thank you MyFlashStore for this awesome feature! But beware of the consequences on Soundclick, and make sure you take the time to consider that or you might end up losing your account over it. Please visit our courses page or our homepage in order to buy courses on how to sell beats.
1 on 1 consultation now includes phone call and 30 day follow up
If you’ve considered hiring us for consulting, know that now we include a two hour phone call plus we give you a full 30 days to follow up via email or Facebook with additional questions or concerns.
Watch Video Below, Don’t Get Scammed by Other Designers
If you’re interested in web design please contact us or visit our portfolio page on
Buy courses on how to sell beats on the homepage
Why 80% of Small Businesses Fail
Today I want to shed some light on a very scary statistic, which is that 80% or eight out of ten small businesses that start up this year will close their doors within the first five years of business. That’s a LOT of small businesses failing, and it would help immensely to know what it is that makes them fail. This is important information and it can make or break your campaigns in general, so let’s discuss some of the reasons businesses fail.
The first piece of information I’d like to shine light on for those of you trying to sell beats online is that you need to know what it really means to be an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur is something that is fantasized a lot in today’s media, and it seems “cool” to want to be one. So a lot of people start writing up plans to start a business based on the fact that they want to live the fantasy life of being an entrepreneur, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
However what is wrong is this: most people who claim to be entrepreneurs are actually not at all. The true definition of an entrepreneur is a person who is willing to continuously fail, someone who expects failure as a part of their routine with their business, and yet strives forward and continues. You need to be able to get back up as soon as you’re pushed down if you expect to make it in this business or any other business.
Most people think that being an entrepreneur is all about making money on the internet, whether selling beats on Soundclick, Soundcloud or otherwise. But the fact is that it’s more about carefully planning your businesses future, and making moves even when things seem dark and gloomy. If you’re not willing to put in eight or ten hour work days on a regular basis for your business, then you might not have the work ethic necessary to make money online.
Be sure to count yourself among the real entrepreneurs out there by putting your efforts forward and making something happen for yourself. Don’t hesitate to continue moving forward even when things look bad. Try to make the best out of what you have and use that brilliant mind of yours to come up with alternative methods and strategies that will help you achieve success based on the money or resources you already have. Don’t feel afraid to put yourself out there and work hard towards your dreams.
For me, one big tip that always helps is writing in my notebook before I get started on my computer. Taking the time to brainstorm is extremely useful for me because sometimes I can save myself massive amounts of time and annoyance by simply writing ideas on paper and coming up with easy, ready-to-go solutions that don’t require much work. Just yesterday I decided to add a loops and kits page on this website, and I was thinking I would have to switch over the entire store system, which would have taken hours and hours. Instead I was able to get it going, thanks for brainstorming in my notebook, without switching anything over. I just added functionality instead of taking away any.
So today’s lesson is to always work your ass off and make sure you don’t crumble at the first sign of failure. There’s no reason for you to feel like the world rests on your shoulders and you need to succeed now or never. Take the time to write out plans and make sure to take your time, as you can succeed much more if you just focus on the right things.
1 on 1 Consultation Available & UPGRADED
We’ve changed our students program to add huge value. From now on when you purchase our student program, you get 2 hours of phone consultation PLUS a full 30 day follow up period where you can contact us and ask questions. This is the STRONGEST value in the market, as you get massive value with our phone consultation already, and the added bonus of being able to contact us for 30 days with more questions and follow ups!
Solo Ads, Email Blasts Available
For those of you who don’t know, we are now offering solo ads (email blasts) to 6,000 active beat buyers for only $50 or $75 for two blasts. This is a limited time so be sure to contact us as soon as possible if you expect to take advantage of this awesome short-term deal.
Driving Traffic to Your Website Easily
Today I thought I would speak on a subject I think everybody wants to know about. How do you send more traffic (visitors) to your website easily? How do the pros do it and where on Earth can you find large streams of traffic for your website? Is it possible to build your small website into a much larger authority website? The truth is there’s no one form of traffic you should completely rely on. It’s a mixture of different forms of traffic that will enable your success in the end.
The major forms of traffic generation include social networks, search engines, classified sites and more. The question is where do you want to go for the traffic? Initially my response would be to try to come up with two or three strong choices for website traffic, sources that you understand and can get started with right away.
Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Craigslist… These are all possibilities. But the question becomes where do you want to focus? You should focus on getting at least one strong source of traffic working for your business before you attempt to get more going. The thing is, while you want to diversify your traffic sources, you also want to focus on one or two at a time so that you can get one source working before moving to another.
The question really isn’t “where to get traffic”, but instead the question becomes which websites do you want to FOCUS on? There are HUNDREDS of websites in the selling beats niche that might be perfect for you. But if you do not focus on one or two at a time, you may become distracted.
Get one form of traffic working for you and then move on to the next one. For instance let me explain this in a different way, in fact a millionaire internet marketer is the one who explained this to me… He put it in simple terms anybody can understand.
1. Find something that works.
2. Apply it to your business.
3. Scale.
According to him, this is all it takes to make a million dollar business work. It doesn’t matter what traffic source you end up using, as long as it delivers results and sales, even ONE website could be enough to drive all the traffic you could ever need to your website. It’s important to scale and to continue to grow, but if you do not focus on one or two traffic sources at a time then you can’t hope to have the kind of success you require.
Be sure to get one thing working at a time and scale it way up once you do get it working. Just in case you don’t know what the term “scaling” means, it refers to replicating and multiplying the effectiveness of a single tactic. So let’s say you start with email marketing tactics, then once you find a way to get some opt-ins onto your list, get more using the same strategies.
Scaling is all about replicating your strategies to build your numbers and grow your traffic simply and easily. Making your business rise in a way that is sustainable. Another example of scaling would be Google marketing, for instance. If you are able to rank for one keyword and it is a big deal and brings in traffic, then the next obvious choice would be to continue in your efforts taking over other keywords until you have multiple high rankings. That is an example of scaling.
I hope this helps, be sure to buy our products, web design services and 1 on 1 consulting to learn how to sell beats easily and quickly. We support you with blog posts, so support us and support YOURSELF by investing in your craft and buying our products to learn more about selling rap beats online.
The Power of Sheer Will
Today I wanted to discuss what I consider to be a very important topic… I want to discuss sheer will power and how it can alter your life forever. I always find it funny that the majority of the people I know are perfectly willing to work a minimum wage job to do whatever it is they’re paid to do, including but not limited to stacking boxes, preparing food, cleaning duties and more. Even though after working a full week their paychecks end up being just enough to pay bills, they are still perfectly willing to do this kind of work for money.
Realistically there’s no shame in working for money no matter where you get it. Whether you have a minimum wage job or not you should feel proud that you work for your money, you invest into your life and hopefully also your future. But I have one big issue with this kind of mentality. If you have a dream which is greater than the job you’re currently working, then why is it that so few are willing to put in the amount of time and energy necessary to get it done?
[sociallocker id=”3982″]If I were to hover over some of my *consulting clients and tell them to get their ass to work, then I bet they’d do it. If I promised them $9 an hour to do the work for me, they’d do it even more happily. So what’s the problem here? The problem is that many are willing to do work as long as a boss is over them hovering and telling them what to do, and this is the same reason I believe that so few business owners ever make it to a level of real success.
While most people are willing to do meager work for meager pay as long as they have a boss hovering over them telling them “You have to be here at 8AM, you can’t leave until 6pm, you have a one hour lunch break at noon, get to work, you’re doing that wrong, don’t do that, make sure you’re focusing on this and that”… You get the point.
This is a difficult thing to overcome, but it has NOTHING to do with your financial position, your resources, your network or even the amount of knowledge you have (though expanding these will certainly help your cause). The fact is you are 100% TOTALLY in control of your GRIND level, but it’s an empty room with nobody in it. Think about it.
When it comes to your business, NOBODY is going to hover over you. Or force you to work starting at 8AM and telling you that you can’t leave until 5pm. Let me ask you an important question: have you EVER worked a full 10 hour day for your business?!?! You’d be amazed how many people say “no”, but I try to work 5-10 hours almost every single day. I’m not just talking about making beats either though that can certainly be a really good way to spend your time. But there’s WAY more to your business than just making and selling beats online.
It’s so vital that you hover over YOURSELF and force yourself, through the sheer power of your own will, to sell beats online faster. It’s very difficult when you’re in an empty room to motivate yourself, it’s a lot easier with a boss nagging you, who has the power to fire you, and I get that and I understand that. But your business will never metaphorically “hire you” if you don’t force yourself to take the time.
For me, Pandora helps a lot. I actually pay monthly the $4 or whatever it is to keep the service from ever making me listen to commercials. I love hearing nothing but positive, uplifting, and fast music when I work. Right now I’m listening to “Alt-J Radio” which I think is really great music for working. You want to listen to music that is upbeat and a bit faster, so it motivates you to work. You know. Like house cleaning music.
But in the end, you are in charge of YOUR HUSTLE! And if you don’t have the time to make it happen, PAY SOMEBODY ELSE to do it for you!
Contact us for web design or consulting, or learn how to sell beats by purchasing courses.
Becoming a Lion Among Men
Today I wanted to chat about something that I think is of the utmost important for you as a business owner. Today I want to discuss how to become a lion among men. This is no joke and isn’t much of an exaggeration, if you expect to succeed in today’s market then you need to be willing to accept the fact that you are going to have to surpass those around you in terms of work ethic, skill, motivation, and sheer power of will.
This is no easy task and you may at first think it is a bit much to say that you have to actually surpass the people around you to make your business take off, but it’s true. The cold hard fact is that all the wealth in this country as well as around the world lies in a group of 1% of people. The people who own that wealth are pretty much all investors and business owners. Sorry to say but going to college is not going to be the key to making millions.
You can work hard, go to school and get a great degree and make a great salary. Some salaries can be as high as $100,000+ per year which is really great! That puts you well above the average American family and certainly you can provide yourself with everything you could possibly desire with income like that and good financing/budgeting skills.
But in the end… You will be working for a company… And that company is owned by somebody making a lot more money than you. They may seem like they don’t even work there, and many times it’s true that they don’t. But the world’s richest people all come from big business, investing, inventing and more. Many times the business pays for generations to come.
Aside from that, only about one in one hundred people have the capability to become a successful business owner. And 80% of businesses fail and close their doors in the first five years of launch. Okay, so the numbers may not exactly look great, but it’s true that if you’re a lion among men you’ll have no issue fighting your way to the top. It comes down to one basic question: are you one of the few who can overcome and start a successful business that lasts through the test of time?
You need to be more educated and better researched than your competitors if you expect to beat them at their own game. I almost wrote ‘you need to be smarter than your competition’ but that’s just not true. Look, you only have to be as smart as to understand the simple fact that you will need to work your ass off if you expect to make the kind of money the 1%’s make. If you’re smart enough to understand and accept that, and actually apply it by working five or more hours a day towards your goals in business, then you’re smart enough to succeed.
But with that comes the responsibility of education. Knowledge is one of the three forms of Power. That link in the last sentence before this one was a link to our eBook “Power” which is only $25 and is one of the most important eBooks you’ll ever read. But it explains that the three forms of power come down to building your Network, Knowledge and Resources.
You don’t have to be smart but you do have to be VERY well researched and educated. So the information has to be in your head and you need to take massive action upon what you know if you expect to succeed.
Purchase an eBook or video course from our website, or buy all of them at once for $199! Support our cause and we will continue to support you! Web design also available contact us for portfolio and pricing!
Are You Losing Sales with Poor Branding?
Today I thought to discuss the power of branding for your business. If you are a serious business owner (or plan to be one) you should be thinking about your branding as your first concern. It is so vital to your overall success that it can literally make or break your campaign. An improper branding campaign for your business can hurt your sales more than any other factor.
To be able to understand the true importance and power of your branding, first we have to discuss the art of writing sales copy. If you don’t recognize these terms, I would implore you to do some research into writing sales copy. One of my favorite websites to learn new ideas about writing copy is the blog at CopyBlogger. The term “writing copy” refers to the art of writing content that sells. This can be especially useful for creating advertisements, making website pages built to deliver sales for products and more.
For instance, one statistic I always like to refer to is that 80% of the total effectiveness of any advertisement can be found in the headline? This means that if you simply write your headline wrong, you’re surely going to see dramatically less success whether it’s an advertisement or the opening header line for your own website. Have you ever noticed that people seem to share links on Facebook all the time without even researching the links they’re sharing? It’s because people literally read the headline and click share! Most readers don’t even look past the headline.
Curiously, many people don’t take the time to research and verify sources before committing to sharing a post on the internet. In the same way, the majority of people who come to your website are not expecting to purchase something, but if your copy is right, they will be ready to buy by the time they leave the page. Anyone can sell anything to anybody and that’s the truth. Like the old saying, you can sell ice to a snowman. With the right kind of persuasion you can get anybody to buy anything, as long as it appeals to their nature, their needs and their wallet, you will have a selling product.
But the only real way to use sales copy to make more sales is by providing excitement and evidence towards the idea that your product will actually help them succeed in whatever way you’re aiming to sell them on. This is why when it comes to your beats, proper headlines will only go so far. What’s the reason for this? Easy! The reason is because anybody who comes to your website can listen to your beats right away. So, as they say, the proof is in the pudding :).
But that doesn’t mean you can’t make people perceive your beats at a much higher value by simply using the right headlines. For instance, if you have worked with ultra famous rappers such as T.I., Lil Wayne, Eminem, 50 Cent or others, then simply mentioning that in a headline can dramatically increase your overall selling power. The way people perceive you is everything no matter what business you’re attempting to start.
Which Brings Me to Branding
Branding is very similar to writing copy and the art of sales copy. The only real difference is that the thing you’re trying to make look good in this case isn’t your products, but your business as a whole. Branding is everything from the graphics you use to the quality of your website. Of course we do professional eCommerce design, check out our portfolio and pricing if you’re interested. But while the look and feel of your website is a huge piece of the puzzle, it’s not enough. You need a proper slogan, headlines, and most importantly you need to set yourself apart from the competition.
Powerful forms of branding can include graphics and design, your logo, your website, the features your website has and more. Your branding can be found in your voice tag for instrumentals posted, your advertisements and more. Every single headline, piece of content, photo, video, graphic and more can have an effect on your overall branding and sales. If you want to succeed as much as possible you are going to need to pay close attention to not only how you are perceived by your audience and clients, but also, how do you carry yourself and your business?
Ask Yourself: Does your Business, Overall, Come Off as Professional and Trustworthy, or Amateur and Weak?
This is a fundamental principle of branding. You have to take a real long, hard look in the mirror (metaphorically speaking) and figure out whether or not your business is perceived by the public as being super awesome or super lame. Everything has a small roll to play, from the quality of the graphics you use, the quality of your web design, your logo, the quality of the videos you produce for your business, etc.
Every little thing piles up when it comes to branding and it is all very important to understand if you expect to make the kind of money and see the kind of success you probably want to see. So now it’s time to ask yourself, are you doing all you can?
Invest in One of our Products
Found in the sidebar on desktops or at the bottom of the page on mobile devices. If you aren’t investing in your business then you are definitely going to see less results than somebody who is, most especially so when talking about your education for marketing yourself, which is actually very cheap anyway (our courses and services are affordable for anybody).
I hope to help you achieve a higher level in your business, but to do this you have to invest and support us. :). Have a great day and may your success always rise!
Mobile Optimization for Your Website

Today I’m going to talk about mobile optimization and the reason is simple: Google today has come out with a new algorithm update which may impact the position of your website in the SERPS. Google has announced that 40% of all website on the internet are not mobile friendly. HOLY MOLY! That means there’s nearly a 1/2 chance that your website is not mobile optimized.
This is very important because your customers need a mobile experience, and you’re probably not providing it for them. I wanted to give some advice on how to make sure your website is mobile optimized, and of course if you ever feel up to the smart investment of having your website built by professionals, just hire us and check out our portfolio over at
First of all when you’re making your website to be mobile optimized, be sure to specify the size of everything from images, videos and audio players to be in percentages instead of pixels. The difference is, if you have an image with a width of 1000px, it might show up correctly on a desktop but on certain mobile devices it’s not going to look well.
The way to get around this would be to change the width to 100% so no matter what device you’re on, it will show up correctly. The easiest way to specify the height is to set it to “auto”. That way even your MyFlashStore player, Soundcloud players or images can all look right no matter what device you’re on.
The tool linked above is a good one for checking whether your website is mobile-optimized in Google’s eyes. As you can see from the screenshot my website is indeed mobile friendly, and it is mobile friendly because it’s responsive in nature.
Responsive is a word used to describe a website built in pretty much nothing but percentages. Depending on what device you’re on, the website will actually change the size of everything from the header to the body. It will change the position of the sidebar as well which has a huge effect on how the website looks.
Making a website responsive, in my opinion, is the best way to do design because it enables your customers to have a similar experience to their desktop experience regardless what kind of device they are on.
However another way to do this is to install a mobile optimization plugin, which there are plenty out there for WordPress available. A mobile plugin usually will not do all the work for you, so there will still be some things necessary to do in order to make it work for you. But a mobile plugin can help you create a completely different website for mobile users only.
There are pros and cons to this, truthfully I wouldn’t trust my entire website’s mobile experience to a single plugin which may or may not function as well as you need it to. Plugins in general are a risky business, or can be, because they can make your site crash if they’re not set up correctly.
Buy Web Design Crash Course
If you want further tips and information, tools and resources on how to build your website, then purchase the course linked here. We’ve gone to great lengths to make sure the course covers everything you need to build a website easily and without much technical knowledge at all.
Click here for Web Design Crash Course. If you find the price is too high for you, just contact us for a discount or bulk deal. 🙂
Refunds, Disputes and Tough Clients
Today I wanted to talk about refunds, disputes and tough clients. I think it is a common question for people selling beats to think, how do you go about handling a situation where a customer is asking for a refund? What happens if the customer simply won’t budge or is being unreasonable? Well today I wanted to discuss some of my own experiences to help you in understanding these unwanted encounters, what you can do to fight back, and when you should budge.
First of all I want to discuss services because I think that a lot of people do custom work, etc, for payment and the word “refund” can come up. For me I think that with services it’s always best to do half down, half after in terms of payments. That way nobody feels cheated and the conversation of refunds never has to come up. If somebody pays half down and you do your best to satisfy their needs, which you should do anything and everything to try to make a bad situation right no matter what, then you shouldn’t feel bad keeping their money.
For services it’s considered a deposit scenario. Major credit cards, debit accounts and even PayPal advocate no refunds for services. The reason is because you receive payment and begin work, so you’ve been hired to complete a task and it’s your job to simply do that task. If you’ve begun working it’s your job to do everything in your power to satisfy the needs of the client you’re working for. But having said that, don’t put in ten hours of work and then when they ask for a refund, comply.
Having said that, if you are selling any sort of service your refund rate should be extremely low. There’s a big problem if one out of two clients end up asking for a refund or being pissed off about your experience with them. For me it’s probably one out of every fifteen clients will end up asking for a refund when it comes to services. I like those odds because if the vast majority of people you work with are satisfied then clearly you’re doing something right. Don’t be the person who sells services and gets refund requests constantly because you don’t have the skills or resources to complete the tasks they’re asking you to complete.
When it comes to items that are ship-able, and non-services, the ability to get a refund for a client is higher. It’s harder to win any dispute when it comes to these situations, but I have a trick up my sleeve for this kind of thing. If somebody is dissatisfied for any reason I like to try to make the situation right. Usually this can be done through bribing, by giving the customer some free extra goodies in exchange for ending the dispute.
I like going this route because it is the only way to make sure even the majority of your disputes can be solved with everybody being happy in the end. Realistically there’s almost always a way to get to this point and it should be your first priority whether you’re selling beats online or selling other products.
If you’re actually shipping an item, sometimes you can still make the situation right by actually offering to send another item, so it even works with those situations. But if somebody does ask for a refund for an item shipped, the dispute will begin and you will indeed have to deal with it. However you can request they send the item back and you’re certainly not responsible for paying for the shipping and handling going the other direction. If a customer wants to go this route, then that’s their choice but they have to get your item back to you, so don’t let them keep both if you can help it.
Hopefully this has been an enlightening article for those of you who sometimes come across tough or even impossible clients. You can’t please everybody, and if somebody is insulting you and your work, asking for a refund when you’ve already done tons of work for them, now you know what to do and how to handle each particular situation.