How to Identify a “Working” Strategy
When it comes to finding a working strategy, I think there’s generally a lot of confusion in terms of internet marketing. Part of the problem is that people looking at a successful business owner from the outside, it feels alienating. You must be thinking in the back of your head any of the following thoughts if you’re an outsider trying to understand why somebody is successful: “He knows something I don’t know”, or “He’s a scam artist, he isn’t even living off of it”. Another thought that is common is “He must have had advantages I didn’t have”, or “They got lucky”. It’s amazing how many excuses we’ll make up in our heads about success.
But the real issue is that most people don’t realize how many opportunities there are all around them. I mean seriously, if you think it’s difficult making money from scratch right now, then you would have never came up during another time period. These days the fact is that there are unlimited ways to promote yourself. Literally the problem is that if you look at all the different methods you could be trying, you’re going to think to yourself that it probably won’t work.
But in reality, in my personal experience at least, navigating through this business? I’ve learned that virtually ALL methods of promotion can be used to work in your favor. The problem is actually internal, not external. People make cash hand over fist every day using Facebook paid ads, for instance. Google Adwords is expensive but it’s another advertising network that gets millions of people spending on promotion. Do you really think all of them would invest so heavily into these types of companies if they didn’t see a return and some profit?
So why is it when you spend $50 on an advertisement or some pay per click campaigns, you end up seeing no results in exchange? Right? Doesn’t it just seem like everything always fails and it doesn’t matter what you try, they all “don’t work”? But again, that’s not realistic thinking either because obviously millions of dollars are spent on advertisements through these same companies every year. So we all know for a fact that companies are indeed profiting, because nobody spends money on any advertising source without seeing return (if they have half a brain).
So how do you identify a working strategy for your business?
I have a few solutions and ideas to this problem. The first solution of course is that you have to stop thinking that it’s the advertising source. I know it’s difficult to swallow, but it’s more than likely your business in general and your overall internal marketing may not be top notch. This isn’t such a bad thing, considering that you can of course change your internal marketing without issue. YOU have the power to change up your business a million times over.
Setting up a proper SALES FUNNEL is the most important step. You need to have a squeeze page on your website you can send visitors to that has a high chance of receiving the opt-in. It’s much more uncommon for people to profit using advertising sources without setting up some sort of “sign up to join” list. I try to set up squeeze pages for each and every campaign I set up. The more people you can get on your email list, the better. Especially if you find the right types of buyers and you’re targeting the right people.
Identifying the right strategy is as easy as trying it until it works
You may not be using the same tactics you started out with in the end to finally see profit. That’s why it’s so important not to give up. If you are going after a paid traffic source, you can’t give up when you spend $50 and it doesn’t make you back $50 profit. But in the same way, don’t think your results will change just because you’re spending more money.
If after sending 1000 visitors to your landing page, if you haven’t gained any interest, gotten any emails or anything like that, you can rest assured that it’s your marketing that’s the problem. This can come in many forms. Perhaps your advertisement isn’t promoting the right thing? Have you sunk a hook into your target audience? Does your ad show a deal they just can’t pass up? Or better yet, a free offer so they can join your mailing list, which can be immediately followed by a low-cost upsell?
Personally, for this website in 2016, I’m going to make a sampler pack of all my different products and sell it for only $5 or $6. This will be what’s sent to them as their main upsell immediately after joining the mailing list. Why, for this website, would I do that? Well, it’s simple. If I can make back the $5 I spent on advertising to get the first 10 leads, and one of those leads buys the upsell, then I have already made up my advertising cost.
While the bigger sales will be the thing which brings me into the profit zone, those small “dime sales” are what makes up for the advertising costs on the front end. An upsell like that can lead to bigger upsells, where you can purchase multiple products for a low price, for instance, or a steep discount on something important, like consulting.
Internally, if you have the right high-ticket, costly products and you’re a decent, relate-able salesman, you will find yourself making enough money to go around.